Design Services

Research-backed design can elevate organizations and inspire action. We help our partners do just that with expertise at the intersections of data and design.

Bright Eye does not offer strict price points. Each design project is unique with its own set of challenges and requirements. We are dedicated to finding a price that meets your budget, particularly for organizations led by historically-underserved populations such as Black and Indigenous peoples.
A simple icon depicting a pen tool drawing a line in vector illustration.A simple icon depicting a lightbulb with a briefcase inside as a vector illustration.A simple icon depicting a computer screen window with coding brackets inside.A simple icon depicting a heart inside the earth as a vector illustration.

What's the process like?


Discovery Phase — Using our Discovery Questionnaire and initial meeting, Bright Eye gathers details about your organization, timeline, and any stakeholders' vision for the project.


Strategy Phase — We will present stakeholder's with a custom proposal and plan for design work. Discussion of deliverables and services rendered will be finalized.


Preliminary Design — Over the next several weeks, we'll work on conceptualizing your design. This might include logo development, wireframes, or other design elements.


Review & Refine — After a review meeting and feedback from any stakeholder's, we will spend a few weeks working on revisions. Deliverables will be refined and polished for final review.


Launch — Once the final designs have all stakeholders' approval, Bright Eye will send all deliverables and educational/training resources. You'll be ready to launch.

Let's make something great together.

Get in touch by emailing us at or getting started below to chat about your next project.

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